State Bank of India Branch Computerization
Times of India- RBI Computerizes Branch
IIT Kanpur's M. Tech. Program with CS Specialization and its Illustrious Students
STPI and its Impact on IT Services
Genesis of STPI Policy: Learning from Kandla Free Trade Zone
Advisory Role to Financial Sector Computerization
Banking Platforms from Infosys
Dataquest- Microcomputers in Bank
Dataquest- CITIL Sets up in Bangalore
Computer Society of India (CSI) and Manufacturers Association of Information Technology (MAIT)
Joining TCS
Interesting HR practices that Nortel Introduced for the Indian Partners
Business Management System Software Package from TCS
Business India - The Technology Invasion
50% -50% Joint Venture between Onward and Novell
Journey of the IT Industry from Late 1980s to 2000
Role of Maj. Gen. Balasubramaniam in Computer Society of India (CSI)
Public-private Partnership in e-Governance Projects
Early Days of TCS
Dataquest- 48 Vendors granted License for C-DOT Technology
Dataquest- C-DOT's Antidote to Telecom Woes
Genesis of the Tata Burroughs Joint Venture
Software Exports in the 1980s
Dataquest- Supercomputer Deal through, India to get CRAY-XMP by March 1987
Infosys Archives- Infosys Team with the Data General MV 8000 computer
Times of India- Servicing of IBM
Things that Impacted the IT Industry: Talent, Training and STPI Policy