State Bank of India Branch Computerization
Times of India- RBI Computerizes Branch
IIT Kanpur's M. Tech. Program with CS Specialization and its Illustrious Students
STPI and its Impact on IT Services
Genesis of STPI Policy: Learning from Kandla Free Trade Zone
Dataquest- CITIL Sets up in Bangalore
Banking Platforms from Infosys
Dataquest- Microcomputers in Bank
Joining TCS
Computer Society of India (CSI) and Manufacturers Association of Information Technology (MAIT)
Advisory Role to Financial Sector Computerization
50% -50% Joint Venture between Onward and Novell
Business Management System Software Package from TCS
Public-private Partnership in e-Governance Projects
Role of Maj. Gen. Balasubramaniam in Computer Society of India (CSI)
Interesting HR practices that Nortel Introduced for the Indian Partners
Business India - The Technology Invasion
Journey of the IT Industry from Late 1980s to 2000
Genesis of the Tata Burroughs Joint Venture
Early Days of TCS
Dataquest- C-DOT's Antidote to Telecom Woes
Dataquest- 48 Vendors granted License for C-DOT Technology
Software Exports in the 1980s
Infosys Archives- Infosys Team with the Data General MV 8000 computer
Times of India- Servicing of IBM
Dataquest- Supercomputer Deal through, India to get CRAY-XMP by March 1987
Things that Impacted the IT Industry: Talent, Training and STPI Policy