Dataquest- VSNL: 64 Kbps link by December
Breaking the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited Monopoly and Improving Telecom Infrastructure
Times of India- ECIL Multiplies Profits 64 times in 3 Years
TI Earth Station in Bangalore: The First Dedicated Data Line in India
Role of datacom in the growth of BPM industry
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
Genesis of Newgen Software Technologies
The Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project: Part 2
Dataquest- Mastek sets up Office in SEEPZ for Software Export
N. Vittal's Contribution to the IT Industry
Times of India- Riding on the Highway
Times of India- IIMB Goes Global via Internet
Dataquest- Satellite use could boost Software Export
Diju Raha- First Video Conference Link Established in India
A Defining Project for IIS Infotech with an UK Client
Prof. V Rajaraman - Prof. R Narasimhan's Meaningful National Goals in Computer Development, Production and Use
The Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project: Part 3
Satellite connectivity in GECIS a game changer
TIFR archives- Computer Networking Proposal by TIFR Computer Group
Genesis and Early Days of NASSCOM
Software Exports in the 1980s
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040?
Regulatory Environment in the 1980s
Dun & Bradstreet and Satyam Joint Venture
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1990s
The Role of Computer Society of India in Nurturing the Domestic IT Industry
Interesting Projects in IIT Madras
Dataquest- Leading the Way
TDC-12 and the Genesis of ECIL
Sun Microsystem Enters India
Becoming an Independent Consultant
Dataquest- DOE to Setup 12 more SW Parks
TIFR archives- Computer Science and Technology in TIFR
Y2K Factory
Role of IISc to foster IT Education in India in the 1980s
Dataquest- Microcomputers in Bank
STPI - Breaking the VSNL Monopoly
Times of India- Expression Through Expansion
Working with IBM Research
Dataquest- Oracle Opens India Liaison Office
Times of India- Silicon Deal Through Backdoor