Transition from a Refrigeration Business to a Computer Business
Amazing Coincidences Lead to Joining Wipro
Ashok Soota- DQ IT Man of the Year 1994
Beer Drinkers Association of Information Technology (BAIT)
Dataquest- The First Computer comes to India
Prof. V Rajaraman - History of Computing in India
The Role of MNCs in Nurturing the IT and R&D Services Industry in India
Mini Computers Based on Intel Microprocessors from Wipro – Among the First in the World
Regulatory and Business Environment in the 1980s
Focus on Quality, Corporate governance, Right-shoring, Learning & Development in the IT Services Industry
What's Different About the New Wave of Entrepreneurship ?
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Key Individuals who Influenced the IT Industry
Evolution of the IT Industry over Three Decades
Things that Impacted the IT Industry: Talent, Training and STPI Policy
Licensing Regime in the Indian IT Industry in the Early 1980s
The Early Computers from Wipro
Manufacturers Association for Information Technology (MAIT) and Computer Society of India (CSI)
IT Industry Changes the Psyche of Indians
Entrepreneurship in IT Services
Going from Happy to Happier to Happiest
Manufacturing Minicomputers after 1992
Wipro’s Transition into R&D and IT Services
N S Raghavan- Infosys in the Mid 1980s
Wipro's Hardware and Services Business in the Late 1980s
Stint in Patni Computer Systems
Genesis of Infosys
Tata Computer Centre in the Mid-1960s
Opening the Sun Microsystems Account, with a World Map
Early Days of Wipro
Early Projects in Infosys
Conceptualizing the Simputer
Genesis of NASSCOM
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Dataquest- Software gets Hard Edge
Mindtree Incorporated
Mindtree Emerges from the Dotcom Collapse
Stint as Wipro's CMO
Friendly Competition between Bangalore and Hyderabad
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1990s
Business India - IBM: New Blue
Working on Software Products at Wipro in the 1980s
Times of India- Patni Ties Up
Joining Patni Computer Systems
Bangalore’s Evolution from 1990s as a Major Global Center for IT and R&D
Entrepreneurship in the Late 1990s
Business India - Wipro: Sharing the Challenge
Wipro in the Early 1980s
Times of India- IT Companies as Mini Universities
Dataquest- The 16 bit Best Seller
Infosys Archives- Infosys Team with the Data General MV 8000 computer
Story of Moving from DCM to HCL
STPI working with Government of Karnataka and IT Industry
Wipro diversifies into IT and R&D Services
Stint as Wipro's Head of HR
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
Dataquest- Y2K India's Goldmine
Dataquest- Bangalore IT Park Set Rolling
Dataquest- Leading the Way