Times of India- Free Trade Zones Fare Well
Genesis of STPI Policy: Learning from Kandla Free Trade Zone
Times of India- IBM World Trade Corp
Important Trade Journals, Books, and Conferences in the Late 1970s
NASSCOM - EU Collaboration
The Evolution of Hardware to Software Industry in India
Dataquest- Technology Parks to boost Software Export
Questionnaire to the DoE officials and an Indo-Japan initiative
How did Nortel Overcome the Challenges of Working with Indian Partners?
The dawn of liberalization in India
Focus on Future of Work and SMAC
Dataquest- IBM vs India
Times of India- Electronics Commission Dies a Silent Death
Growth of the Minicomputer Industry in India
Infosys Adopts the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Framework
National Mission Mode IT Driven Programs - Computerized Railway Reservation
Working on an ICL 1904 Computer
Early History of IT Adoption in India, Starting with the Jute Mills
Times of India- Tata Burroughs Entry in SEEPZ
Indian Regulatory Environment in Late 1970s
Dataquest- Incentives for Export
Dataquest- A-B-C of X.25 Communication Protocol
64kbps Link Enables the SEGA Project Delivery
Times of India- Does India Needs its Own Software Brand
Dataquest- Import and Export Policy