Times of India- Mechanization in Commercial Banks
Commercial Use of Computers in the 1970s and 1980s
Times of India- DOE Clamps of ERNET Commercial Use
Times of India- Computerization in Commercial Banks yet to gather Momentum
Genesis of GECIS
The success of GECIS
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
Creating a marketplace differentiation for GE Caps from India
Computer Society of India (CSI) and Manufacturers Association of Information Technology (MAIT)
Genesis of HCL
Genesis of NASSCOM
Genesis of the National Supercomputing Mission
Experiences with the prestigious Resolution Trust Corporation project
Getting 100% Tax Exemption for Software
Innovative HR Policies in Infosys
Infosys gets a Computer
Creating the Indian domestic market for computers
PicoPeta Simputers
Newgen's Enterprise Products: Successes and Challenges
HCL in the 1980s: PCs, Unix computers, and software
The Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project: Part 3
Dataquest- MAIT's National Workshop on Internet
Hinditron’s Business Model
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 2
Dataquest- AMD Launches Software Division
Funding Challenges in Late 1970s
Import of IBM 3090 by TCS
Indian IT Industry in Late 1970s
Early Days of Wipro
Mission of Electronics Corporation of India Ltd.
Minicomputers in the Late 1970s – 1
Indian Installations of DEC PDP-11
Selling Indian IT Services in the Early 1980s
Times of India- Riding on the Highway
Early Days of Hinditron
Dataquest- Import and Export Policy
Dataquest- The Government Solution
Relief Letter to BPO Industry