Compilers and System Software Products at Softek Limited
Compiler for Rapid Turnaround Systems at IIT Kanpur
Building an Ecosystem Around Wipro
Visit to Europe - interactions with Prof. Wirth and Prof. Dijkstra
Prof. Priti Shankar - From the abstract to the concrete
Anecdote of pushing back on unweildy customer requirements
Joining Wipro and attending CSI Annual Convention
Genesis of Softek Limited
Experiences at TIFR - working on the air defense system project
Dataquest- A Look at SEEPZ Companies
Work on language translators at TRDDC - tools and automation
Genesis of Noiseless & Codeless Software
Softek - Moving to Business Applications
The Early Computers from Wipro
Application Software Products at Softek Limited
Computer Society of India (CSI) and Manufacturers Association of Information Technology (MAIT)
Wipro University
Interesting Projects in IIT Madras
Days at the IIT Madras Computer Center
HCL Days
HCL in the 1980s: PCs, Unix computers, and software
Computer Culture in IIT Kanpur in the Late 1960s
Evolution of Technology Capability in the Indian IT Industry
Theoretical Computer Science in 1960s
Experiences as faculty at IIT Kanpur
Treasury Computerization in Andhra Pradesh
Growth of the Minicomputer Industry in India
Computer Culture in IIT Delhi in the Early 1970s
Evolution of the Theoretical Computer Science Research
Role of IISc to foster IT Education in India in the 1980s
Training Programs in Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Software Exports in the 1980s
First software project in TRDDC - Citibank UK project
Prof. V Rajaraman - History of Computing in India
Dataquest- Hello from Indian Software
Writing to Dijkstra and Gries
Genesis of Mastek
Prof. R. Narasimhan's Contribution
Rule at TCS: Getting Syntax Right in 3 Attempts
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3