Computer Culture in IISc in the 1970s
Stint in Patni Computer Systems
Satellite Television Program at ISRO
Computer Culture in IIT Bombay in the Early 1970s
Rule at TCS: Getting Syntax Right in 3 Attempts
Internship with Tata Electric Company
Collaboration with Dijkstra
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
Days at the IIT Madras Computer Center
A Project Manager needs to be a Techno-Manager
Computer Culture in MIT in the 1960s
TIFRAC- The First Digital Computer Designed and Built in India
Times of India- Technology Question
Prof. M G K Menon on Prof. R Narasimhan (Courtesy: Dr. S. Ramani)
Prof. P V S Rao - CRT display of TIFRAC
IT Industry Working together in Bangalore
Compiler for Rapid Turnaround Systems at IIT Kanpur
Managing HCL's Singapore office
Computer Culture in IIT Kanpur in the Late 1960s and Early 1970s
Evolution from Calculators to Microcomputers to Minicomputers
Innovative Technology in TIFRAC