S. S. Oberoi- Software Export Development and Export Case Study - India
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) R&D and Services Business
Business India - The Technology Invasion
Prof. V Rajaraman - History of Computing in India
Importance of Digital India
Dataquest- Oracle Opens India Liaison Office
Working at IBM India in the 1960s and 1970s
Global Delivery Model (GDM) and Critical Computerization Projects in India in the 1990s
DEC’s Proposal to Manufacture in India
Moving high end business processing to India - how actuarial work came to GE India
Dataquest- The 16 bit Best Seller
The Role of Computer Society of India in Nurturing the Domestic IT Industry
IBM leaving India and its Impact
Dataquest- IBM vs India
Times of India- IBM Most Modern Computer to be made in India
Growth of the Minicomputer Industry in India
Indian Installations of DEC PDP-11
The Growth of Digital GlobalSoft in Y2K Era and After
Lower Profitability in India and the Growth of Services Business in MNCs
Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. and its Computers
Times of India- Moving Closer to UNIX
The Role of Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL) in the 1970s
DEC 1090 in IISc
Software India Seminars and formation of NASSCOM
Business India - IBM: New Blue
Times of India- IBM to Wind Up in India
Dataquest- UNIX comes to India
Dataquest- Leading the Way
Dataquest- Held up (Bank computerization) ?
Business India - The Unanswered Questions
Tata Group's contribution to education in India
Unix comes to India
The Software India Seminars
Times of India- IBM May Quit India
Computer Society of India (CSI) and Manufacturers Association of Information Technology (MAIT)
Executing Large Projects in India like Passsport Seva Kendra
Dataquest- A Look at SEEPZ Companies
Times of India- RBI to Start Computer Service on Nov 12
Times of India- Hinditron Tie up for Computers
IIT Kanpur and Computer Science in India
Passenger Reservation System of the Indian Railways
The Angel and VC ecosystem in India
Times of India- Steps to Boost Export of Software
TIFRAC- The First Digital Computer Designed and Built in India
TIFR archives- TIFRAC the First Digital Computer Built in India
Times of India- Shake Up in DoE
Dataquest- Oracle holds a Seminar on SW Quality
Modern Computers Come to India
Times of India- Software Park Launched
Internet Era begins in Indian Management Institutions, with IIMB
Genesis of Software Technology Parks of India (STPI)
Role of Software Technology Parks of India (STPI)
Dataquest- The Government Solution
Times of India- Where Computers Dare
Times of India- The Electronics Revolution
Times of India- The Age of Electronics
Times of India- IIMB Goes Global via Internet
Times of India- Grave Deficiencies in IT Department
Times of India- RBI to Computerize Clearances
Computer Culture in India in the 1970s
Challenges of Selling Software in USA
50% -50% Joint Venture between Onward and Novell
Dataquest- India feels HR Crunch
Times of India- IBM India Course Conducted
Times of India- Long Road from 1966 to '91
Role of IISc to foster IT Education in India in the 1980s
Key Milestones in the Evolution of IT in India 1970s to 1990s
Earth Stations at Texas Instruments (TI) and the Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) Policy
Times of India- India Develops Supercomputer
Times of India- Electronic Brain for India