Computing in IISc, ISI and TIFR in the Mid 1950s
Maintaining TIFR's CDC 3600 Computer
Innovative Technology in TIFRAC
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Dataquest- The First Computer comes to India
Working at IBM India in the 1960s and 1970s
Prof. Narasimhan and TIFRAC in TIFR – First Indigenous Computer Designed and Built in India
DEC 1090 in IISc
Computer Culture in IISc in the 1970s
Setting up the IBM 1620 at IIT Kanpur in the 1960s
Business India - IBM: New Blue
ILLIAC 2 Design Team
Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. and its Computers
Compiler for Rapid Turnaround Systems at IIT Kanpur
Dataquest- Program Copyright in India
R&D Services at Wipro
Using Microprocessors in Electronics Corporation of India Ltd.
Indian Regulatory Environment in Late 1970s
Dataquest- Hitech USA 86: A Report
Training Programs in Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
History of Computers at IIT Madras
Resource Constraint was an Opportunity for Indian Developers
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Times of India- Keltron Ad
Prof. V Rajaraman - Prof. R Narasimhan's Meaningful National Goals in Computer Development, Production and Use
The Role of Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL) in the 1970s
Dataquest- Microcomputers in Bank
Times of India- Bombay's Versatile Computer