GECIS sets up International Operations
Managing a complex multi-country roll-out for GE Medical Systems
Selling GECIS internally within GE and first project win
GE's BPO Idea
Business India - Cognizant: Cognizant-ising China
The success of GECIS
Business India - China’s the choice
NIIT Geographic Expansion
Business India - Information Technology Going Places
Role of MNCs in Nurturing the Indian IT Industry
Times of India- Separate Infy Unit to Service China Taiwan and Hong Kong
Business India - TCS: The 10:10 Vision
Infosys Contract Negotiation with GE
Genesis of Genpact
Relevance of domain training - How credit card processing came to GE India?
Prof. V Rajaraman - History of Computing in India
Business India - The Technology Invasion
Moving high end business processing to India - how actuarial work came to GE India
Business India - NIIT: The Party Doesn’t End
Creating a marketplace differentiation for GE Caps from India
Approval of GE Technology Center in Bangalore
Business India - Iflex Solutions: Flexible Solutions
Business India - Huawei: The Big Cut
Dun & Bradstreet and Satyam Joint Venture
Opening a Client Account
Sociological Impact of GECIS
Genesis of GECIS
Strategic investment into Future Software by Intel
Work Visas
Business India - APTECH: Homework Done
Opening up new markets for TCS as head of sales
Business India - Satyam: Blend it Like Tea
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Selling GDM in its Nascent Years
Dataquest- Importing a Computer- A Case Study
Business India - IBM: Big Blue’s $6 Billion Bet
Theoretical Computer Science Evolution in India
Light Touch Policy Interventions like STPI
Collaborating with Global Electronic System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM)
Times of India- India's Breakthrough in Superconductors
Datamatics and Wang Laboratories
Aadhar, Payments and Other Product Innovations
Dataquest- Y2K India's Goldmine
Business India - Lenovo: Myth and Legend
Diju Raha - Nortel Memo on Doing Business in India
Tenure as NASSCOM Chairperson and Lobbying in the US
Genesis of the National Supercomputing Mission
Key strategies as CEO #3 - Global Network Delivery Model
India means Software for Chinese Taxi Driver
Where do you see Indian IT industry in 2040?
Entry into telecom handset business
Business India - Internet: The Second Coming
Times of India- Long Road from 1966 to '91
Dataquest- Pushing Foreign Ventures
TI chooses Bangalore and India for its R&D GIC
Business India - IBM: New Blue
Business India - MPHASIS: Buying Growth
Times of India- Skilled Manpower is India's Best Asset
Dealing with the Satyam Episode
Business India - TCL: Like a Phoenix
Computerizing India and Hardware
Times of India- IT Firms Spread Forth to Derisk Ops
Government Policies Influences the Software Industry
Genesis of Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project
Genesis of Spectramind
Proving that voice-based processes can work from India