Prof. R. Narasimhan's Contribution
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Bangalore’s Evolution from 1990s as a Major Global Center for IT and R&D
Endowments in TIFR
Global Delivery Model
Prof. V Rajaraman - History of Computing in India
AT&T - an Early R&D Global In-house Center (GIC) in India
Dataquest- Is India ready for R&D?
Global Delivery Model (GDM) and Quality Certifications
Global Delivery Model (GDM) and Critical Computerization Projects in India in the 1990s
TI advises MNCs in setting up their R&D Global In-house Centers in India
First Conference on e-Governance Led by Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
Thoughts on Prof. R. Narasimhan
Prof. R. Narasimhan and Computing in TIFR in the 1960s and 1970s
IIT Madras Computer Center Helping Industry and Scientists
Collaboration with Dijkstra
The Prodac-50 Project and Encounter with Mr. Kohli
Computers at TIFR in the 1970s
Evolution of the Theoretical Computer Science Research
Dr. Homi Bhabha and TIFR
IIT Madras Computer Center in the 1990s
J. R. D. Tata on the Nelco 3000
Times of India- IIMB Goes Global via Internet
Computer Culture in IIT Kanpur in the 1960s
Computer Culture in IIT Kanpur in the Late 1960s
Prof. M G K Menon on Prof. R Narasimhan (Courtesy: Dr. S. Ramani)
IISc Archives- Prof. R. Rajaraman Operating the Philbrick Rideout Electronic Differential Analyzer (PREDA)
Prof. V Rajaraman - Prof. R Narasimhan's Meaningful National Goals in Computer Development, Production and Use
TI chooses Bangalore and India for its R&D GIC
Times of India- Electronics Commission Dies a Silent Death
Times of India- CMC to Post 30-35% Growth
Association with NASSCOM
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Focus Areas of NASSCOM from 2013
Tata Computer Centre in the Mid-1960s
Evolution of Theoretical Computer Science Research in India
Dataquest- IBM will come back to India?
Genesis of Computer Networking in India
Joining TIFR
Dataquest- Looking Back (ECIL)
TIFR archives- Note on Electronic Computers by Homi Bhabha
IIT Kanpur's M. Tech. Program with CS Specialization and its Illustrious Students
Recruitment and Training in Infosys
Stint in Patni Computer Systems
Advising TCS on Hi-tech Ideas: Mobility, Collaboration, Performance Analysis
Genesis of R&D Services
R&D Services at Wipro
Dataquest- India feels HR Crunch
Wipro diversifies into IT and R&D Services
Evolution of Global Delivery Model (GDM)
R&D GICs and Innovations from Pune and Bangalore
New Services Leveraging Global Delivery Model (GDM)
Public-private Partnership in e-Governance Projects
Treasury Computerization in Andhra Pradesh
Light Touch Policy Interventions like STPI
Masters in Computer Science in the USA
IT Industry in Hyderabad
The Importance of e-Governance
Policy Development for Electronic System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) Sector in 2010s
Policy Development for Telecom Sector in 2010s
The Evolution of Hardware to Software Industry in India
Friendly Competition between Bangalore and Hyderabad
Policy Development for IT Sector in 2010s
Evolution of e-Governance
NASSCOM - EU Collaboration
IT Services Vs R&D Captives Ecosystem in India in 2000s
Selling R&D Services
Business India - The Technology Invasion
Dataquest- Of Shotgun R&D and Other Matters