Public-private Partnership in e-Governance Projects
The Importance of e-Governance
Evolution of e-Governance
Managing HCL's Singapore office
Computer Training in Government Schools
The Lean Government Team
STPI and Government of Karnataka Collaboration: & STPI centers
IT Industry Recognizing the "Government Man"
Karnataka Government’s First IT Task Force
First Conference on e-Governance Led by Andhra Pradesh
NIIT Geographic Expansion
Working at IBM India in the 1960s and 1970s
Focus on Quality, Corporate governance, Right-shoring, Learning & Development in the IT Services Industry
Sun Microsystem Enters India
NASSCOM's Role in the First 72 Hours of the Satyam Incident
Dataquest- The Government Solution
Government Policies Influences the Software Industry
Role of Government in the Data Communications Revolution
STPI working with Government of Karnataka and IT Industry
Mission-mode Government Computerization Programs: Railway
The Government's Soft Touch Policy During the 1970s to 1990s
Times of India- Government Rejects 100% Equity Plea of IBM
Chairing the Indian Government Task Force on a New Electronics Policy
The Early Days of NASSCOM
Dataquest- Bangalore IT Park Set Rolling
NIIT's Entry into IT Services
Dataquest- VSNL Proposal on VSAT
Price Discovery of a 64kbps Link by VSNL and TCS
Dataquest- Importing a Computer- A Case Study
Governance and Quality Enables Indian Software Industry
S. S. Oberoi- Software Export Development and Export Case Study - India
Karnataka IT & Biotechnology Task Force
Mahiti: The Karnataka Millennium IT Policy
Dealing with Indian Government & Planning Commission
Key Government IT Policies in the 1980s and 1990s
Mission-mode Government Computerization Programs: Banking
Impact of Government Policies on HP's Manufacturing Plans in India
The innovation and product management model of the Government-led public software initiatives
Importance of Digital India
Ashok Soota- DQ IT Man of the Year 1994
Dataquest- Mastek: A Success Story
Times of India- Tata Burroughs Entry in SEEPZ
Dataquest- ITPL Formally Inaugurated
Pradeep Gupta- World Bank Funded Report on India's Software and Services Export Potential and Strategies
Wipro's Hardware and Services Business in the Late 1980s
Business India - IBM: New Blue
Opening the Sun Microsystems Account, with a World Map
Times of India- Upgrade India Y2K Compliance NASSCOM
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) R&D and Services Business
Dataquest- A Look at SEEPZ Companies
Times of India- Computers EEC Team Here
Lower Profitability in India and the Growth of Services Business in MNCs
Challenges in recruitment in the early days of BPM industry
Genesis of HCL-HP
Mindtree Emerges from the Dotcom Collapse
Software Exports in the 1980s
Geographical Evolution of IT Industry
Impact of Karnataka IT & BT Policy
Dataquest- CITIL Sets up in Bangalore
Dataquest- Technology Parks to boost Software Export
Dataquest- Import and Export Policy
Dataquest- Tata on IBM Board
Times of India- Where Computers Dare
The story of Indian Angel Network
Dataquest- Pushing Foreign Ventures
Dataquest- TCS bags Top Exporter Shield
HCL in the 1980s: PCs, Unix computers, and software
Process innovations: E mail replaces fax
Dataquest- Microcomputers in Bank
STPI - Infrastructure and Training