Industrializing the TCS Training Program
First Training Program in TCS
Genesis of the TCS Software Engineering Training Program
Training Programs in Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
First Computers in Education and Training Conference
The First High Level Programming Course in IIT Kanpur and in India
IIT Kanpur's M. Tech. Program with CS Specialization and its Illustrious Students
Recruitment and Training in Infosys
Things that Impacted the IT Industry: Talent, Training and STPI Policy
Writing to Dijkstra and Gries
Times of India- Training Centers for Bank Software
Prof. Rajaraman’s Seminal Text Books on Programming and Computers
Indian Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Program
Aadhar – A large IT led Mission Mode National Program
Relevance of domain training - How credit card processing came to GE India?
STPI - Infrastructure and Training
Interesting Programs from NIIT
Programming in Late 1970s
National Mission Mode IT Driven Programs - Computerized Railway Reservation
NASSCOM's Skill Development Programs
Computer Training in Government Schools
Adult literacy program at TCS
Satellite Television Program at ISRO
First Tryst with Computers and Programming
Dataquest- Program Copyright in India
Mission Mode Programs in ISRO
Conceptualizing the Masters in Computer Applications program
Life in IIT Kanpur: Training Anecdote
Mission-mode Government Computerization Programs: Banking
National Mission Mode IT Driven Programs - ERNET
Mission-mode Government Computerization Programs: Railway
The Genesis of the Masters of Computer Applications (MCA) Program in India
Times of India- IIT to Offer 5 New Programs
Times of India- CR Planning Computer Bookings for 9 Trains
Prof. V Rajaraman - Strategies in Education and Training for Computer Development in India
IIT Kanpur launches a B. Tech. Program in Computer Science in 1978
IIT Kanpur and Computer Science in India
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 1
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 2
Genesis of the National Supercomputing Mission
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
IIT Madras Computer Center Helping Industry and Scientists
Thoughts on Prof. V. Rajaraman
Dataquest- Wipro Sets up University
Managing HCL's Singapore office
TCS Projects in the Early 1970s
The Scaling of Indian IT Services Industry
The Computer Culture at IIT Madras - Bridging Industry and Academia
DCM Days
Faith in Computing
Times of India- NIIT 1982 Ad
TIFR archives- Proposal to Establish Computer Group in TIFR
MCA Internship at TCS
Y2K Factory
A Sabbatical in Microsoft - Difference between Service and Product Organizations
Visit to Europe - interactions with Prof. Wirth and Prof. Dijkstra
DEC 1090 in IISc
Early days and growth of GECIS
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1960s
GECIS sets up International Operations
Working on an ICL 1904 Computer
Public-private Partnership in e-Governance Projects
How did Nortel Overcome the Challenges of Working with Indian Partners?
Computer Culture in IIT Bombay in the 1980s and 1990s
Dataquest- VSNL to Introduce Email Service
Prof. M G K Menon on Prof. R Narasimhan (Courtesy: Dr. S. Ramani)
Introducing Information System Planning in India
Tata Computer Centre in the Mid-1960s
Space Applications Centre and Satellite Networking
Growth and sale of Spectramind