Innovation and Research Focus of IT Industry
Local IT innovations power BPM
NASSCOM Innovation Awards
Innovative Business Practices
Innovative Technology in TIFRAC
The Context of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the 2000s
Aadhar, Payments and Other Product Innovations
Innovative HR Policies in Infosys
Process innovations: E mail replaces fax
R&D GICs and Innovations from Pune and Bangalore
Product innovation ecosystem in Silicon Valley Vs in India
Key innovation and product management capabilities nurtured by SaaS companies
The innovation and product management model of the Government-led public software initiatives
Dr. Swami Manohar- Simputer gets the First Dewang Mehta Innovation Award
IT Entrepreneurship in India Today
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Bangalore Co-opts People
Incubating Tech Entrepreneurs in IIT Bombay
Business India - The Technology Invasion
Dataquest- A Look at SEEPZ Companies
Writing to Dijkstra and Gries
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040?
Creating a marketplace differentiation for GE Caps from India
Evolution of Technology Capability in the Indian IT Industry
Policy Development for Telecom Sector in 2010s
Governance and Quality Enables Indian Software Industry
Genesis of MindTree
Focus Areas of NASSCOM from 2013
Research focus on improving client IT process
Where do you see Indian IT and BPO in 2040?
Where do you see Indian IT industry in 2040?
NIIT's Role in Capability Development
TIFR acquires a CDC 3600 Computer
Current Startup Ecosystem