Genesis of HCL Tech
Dataquest- Pushing Foreign Ventures
Dataquest- CSI 1986: HCL, ORG and Hinditron Launch New Products
Learning from HCL-HP
Times of India- HP to Source HCL Products Abroad
HCL Days
Story of Moving from DCM to HCL
Genesis of HCL-HP
The Early Days of HCL
Genesis of HCL
HCL in the 1980s: PCs, Unix computers, and software
HCL's entry into the US market: Pivot from hardware to software
Software Products and Platforms - Majesco
Newgen's Enterprise Products: Successes and Challenges
IT infrastructure management services business and brand building
Business India - HCL@ 30
Times of India- HCL Busybee Ad
First computer from HCL
Early days of HCL
Managing HCL's Singapore office
Working on Software Products at Wipro in the 1980s
A Sabbatical in Microsoft - Difference between Service and Product Organizations
Software products in India in the late 1990s and early 2000s identifying product-market fit
Prof. V Rajaraman - History of Computing in India
Geographical Evolution of IT Industry
Evolution of the Indian IT Product Ecosystem in Late 2000s
Working in DCM Data Products
Policy Shifts and Computer Hardware in the Late 1980s
Compilers and System Software Products at Softek Limited
Industry Associations and Software Product Companies
Early Days of Mastek – Products
The Indian IT Products in the 2000s
The Indian Market for Software Products in the 1980s
Application Software Products at Softek Limited
Launching New Minicomputers
ORG Computers in the Early 1980s
Product business at Future Soft and building one of the world's largest protocol stacks company
Software Products of Wipro Systems in the Early 1980s
Minicomputers in the Late 1970s – 1
Evolution from Calculators to Microcomputers to Minicomputers
Aadhar, Payments and Other Product Innovations
The software product story of Bangalore
The Indian IT Market in the 1990s - Introduction of Laptops, Routers, and Browsers
Chairing the Indian Government Task Force on a New Electronics Policy
The genesis of Indian software products in the 1970s
The Evolution of the Software Product Industry in India
The story of SaaS product companies in India
Dataquest- No Single Taker
Dataquest- The Policy- Aftermath
The Early Computers from Wipro
Dataquest- Hello from Indian Software
Manufacture Only 50 Computers Per License in the 1970s
Dataquest- IBM will come back to India?
Unix makes an Entry into India and DCM Days
Key Milestones in the Evolution of IT in India 1970s to 1990s
Dataquest- Software Conferences in USA
IT Industry in the Early 1980s
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1970s
Wipro in the Early 1980s
IBM in India in the 1970s
Times of India- Use Electronics to Raise Productivity
The Indian Policy Environment for Software Product Companies
Emerging technologies that will drive software products in the future
Impact of the Entry of PCs on the Indian Software Product Market
How do you see the software product domain evolving in India in this decade?
Early attempts by Indian IT services companies in the products space
Product innovation ecosystem in Silicon Valley Vs in India
Indian and Ittiam Intellectual Property in Popular Electronics Products
Proliferation of PCs in the 1980s and its impact on the software product landscape in India
Key inflection points in the Indian software products domain over the decades