GECIS sets up International Operations
Managing a complex multi-country roll-out for GE Medical Systems
Selling GECIS internally within GE and first project win
GE's BPO Idea
Business India - Cognizant: Cognizant-ising China
The success of GECIS
Business India - China’s the choice
NIIT Geographic Expansion
Business India - Information Technology Going Places
Opening up new markets for TCS as head of sales
Role of MNCs in Nurturing the Indian IT Industry
Times of India- Separate Infy Unit to Service China Taiwan and Hong Kong
Business India - TCS: The 10:10 Vision
Infosys Contract Negotiation with GE
Genesis of Genpact
Relevance of domain training - How credit card processing came to GE India?
Business India - The Technology Invasion
Prof. V Rajaraman - History of Computing in India
Moving high end business processing to India - how actuarial work came to GE India
Business India - NIIT: The Party Doesn’t End
Dun & Bradstreet and Satyam Joint Venture
Creating a marketplace differentiation for GE Caps from India
Approval of GE Technology Center in Bangalore
Business India - Iflex Solutions: Flexible Solutions
Business India - Huawei: The Big Cut
Stint as Wipro's Head of HR
Opening a Client Account
Genesis of GECIS
Sociological Impact of GECIS
Business India - APTECH: Homework Done
Government Policies Influences the Software Industry
Business India - IBM: Big Blue’s $6 Billion Bet
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Times of India- India's Breakthrough in Superconductors
Key strategies as CEO #3 - Global Network Delivery Model
Dealing with the Satyam Episode
TI chooses Bangalore and India for its R&D GIC
Dataquest- Y2K India's Goldmine
Dataquest- Importing a Computer- A Case Study
Times of India- Skilled Manpower is India's Best Asset
Business India - MPHASIS: Buying Growth
Genesis of the National Supercomputing Mission
Strategic investment into Future Software by Intel
Times of India- IT Firms Spread Forth to Derisk Ops
Entry into telecom handset business
Work Visas
Business India - Satyam: Blend it Like Tea
Business India - TCL: Like a Phoenix
Computerizing India and Hardware
Times of India- Long Road from 1966 to '91
Diju Raha - Nortel Memo on Doing Business in India
India means Software for Chinese Taxi Driver
Aadhar, Payments and Other Product Innovations
Where do you see Indian IT industry in 2040?
Light Touch Policy Interventions like STPI
Datamatics and Wang Laboratories
Theoretical Computer Science Evolution in India
Collaborating with Global Electronic System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM)
Dataquest- Pushing Foreign Ventures
Business India - IBM: New Blue
Business India - Lenovo: Myth and Legend
Tenure as NASSCOM Chairperson and Lobbying in the US
Selling GDM in its Nascent Years
Business India - Internet: The Second Coming
Genesis of Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040?