An Overview of Indian IT in the 1980s
Passenger Reservation System of the Indian Railways
How did Nortel Overcome the Challenges of Working with Indian Partners?
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1950s
History of the Department of Electronics
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1990s
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Interesting HR practices that Nortel Introduced for the Indian Partners
Where do you see Indian IT in 2040?
Dataquest- Hello from Indian Software
Dealing with Indian Government & Planning Commission
Computer Culture in India in the 1970s
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1970s
Genesis of Indian Parallelism
Dataquest- C-DAC going Parallel with Technology
Dataquest- India's Supercomputer Dilemma
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1960s
Working at IBM India in the 1960s and 1970s
Dataquest- Supercomputer Deal through, India to get CRAY-XMP by March 1987
Dataquest- Indian Railways to go Online
Akbar and Birbal Story of the Indian IT Industry
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
The story of Indian Angel Network
Importance of the Indian Railways Passenger Reservation System
Underestimating the Early Demand in the Indian IT industry
The 1992 World Bank Study on the Indian Software Industry
Times of India- Indian Railways use Modern Techniques
World Bank Study Predicts a 1 Billion Dollar Indian IT Industry
Joining an Indian PSU as a Computer Programmer in the 1970s
Where do you see Indian IT industry in 2040?
Times of India- DOE Clamps of ERNET Commercial Use
S. S. Oberoi- Software Export Development and Export Case Study - India
Role of Government in the Data Communications Revolution
Licensing Regime in the Indian IT Industry in the Early 1980s
Electronic System Design & Manufacturing Ecosystem
Convincing Clients to Offshore to India
Chairing the Indian Government Task Force on a New Electronics Policy
Camaraderie in the Indian IT Industry
The Indian IT Products in the 2000s
Indian IT Industry in the 1970s
Theoretical Computer Science Evolution in India
Discovering the Indian Software Industry
IT Industry Changes the Psyche of Indians
Where do you see Indian IT and BPO in 2040?
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040?
EDP in the Indian Private Sector
History of MNCs in the Indian IT Industry