Passenger Reservation System of the Indian Railways
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1950s
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1960s
Business India - IBM: New Blue
Times of India- Indian Business Losses Opportunity
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1980s
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1990s
Business India - The Technology Invasion
Transition from a Refrigeration Business to a Computer Business
Challenges in Selling Indian Software Services
Where do you see Indian IT in 2040?
Computer Training in Government Schools
An Overview of Indian IT in the 2000s and Beyond
Dealing with Indian Government & Planning Commission
Computer Culture in India in the 1970s
Business Plan for Mindtree
Interesting HR practices that Nortel Introduced for the Indian Partners
Genesis of Indian Parallelism
Camaraderie in the Indian IT Industry
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1970s
Indian IT Industry in the 1970s
Business India - Books on Net
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Dataquest- Indian Railways to go Online
Importance of Business Value Addition
History of MNCs in the Indian IT Industry
The story of Indian Angel Network
Indian IT Industry in Late 1970s
Importance of the Indian Railways Passenger Reservation System
Business India - Twitter Generation
Business India - Lenovo: Myth and Legend
Role of MNCs in Nurturing the Indian IT Industry
Underestimating the Early Demand in the Indian IT industry
Indian Installations of DEC PDP-11
Times of India- Indian Railways use Modern Techniques
Acquiring the Citigroup Global Services business as COO of TCS
Business Management System Software Package from TCS
IT infrastructure management services business and brand building
Genesis of the Passenger Reservation System for the Indian Railways
Wipro's Hardware and Services Business in the Late 1980s
Infosys listing on Indian Stock Exchanges and NASDAQ
Contribution of Kanwal Rekhi & NRIs to Indian IT
The Indian IT Market in the 1990s - Introduction of Laptops, Routers, and Browsers
How did Nortel Overcome the Challenges of Working with Indian Partners?
Business India - Information Technology Going Places
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) R&D and Services Business
Times of India- Indian Engineers Ably Fill IBM Void
Genesis of Kanwal Rekhi School of Information Technology
Business India - IBM: Big Blue’s $6 Billion Bet
Where do you see Indian IT industry in 2040?
Dataquest- Hello from Indian Software
The Indian Market for Software Products in the 1980s
Growing the TCS e-business portfolio
Indian Regulatory Environment in Late 1970s
Joining Patni Computer Systems
Licensing Regime in the Indian IT Industry in the Early 1980s
Evolution of the Indian IT Product Ecosystem in Late 2000s
S. S. Oberoi- Software Export Development and Export Case Study - India
Times of India- Indian IT Firms Eye on Americas IT Outsourcing
Business India - NIIT: The Party Doesn’t End
Product business at Future Soft and building one of the world's largest protocol stacks company