Times of India- HP to Source HCL Products Abroad
TIFR archives- Note on Electronic Computers by Homi Bhabha
Evolution of e-Governance
Growing the TCS e-business portfolio
First Conference on e-Governance Led by Andhra Pradesh
Public-private Partnership in e-Governance Projects
Process innovations: E mail replaces fax
The Importance of e-Governance
Business India - Internet: The Second Coming
Times of India- Training Centers for Bank Software
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Dataquest- IBM will come back to India?
Theoretical Computer Science in 1960s
Dataquest- Looking Back (ECIL)
Evolution of Theoretical Computer Science Research in India
Computer Science in IISc in the 1970s
Working on an ICL 1904 Computer
Focus on Future of Work and SMAC
Times of India- Tackling Y2K: IT Proves its Mettle
Business India - IBM: New Blue
Importance of Digital India
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Friendly Competition between Bangalore and Hyderabad
Y2K and Dotcom in the Late 1990s
What's Different About the New Wave of Entrepreneurship ?
Current Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Indian and Ittiam Intellectual Property in Popular Electronics Products
Executing Large Projects in India like Passsport Seva Kendra
Times of India- Infosys Still Going Strong on NASDAQ
Times of India- Software Exports Register Impressive Growth
Mindtree Emerges from the Dotcom Collapse