Role of datacom in the growth of BPM industry
Evolution of DataQuest Magazine
Nortel Working with VSNL and STPI
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Software Exports in the 1980s
A Defining Project for IIS Infotech with an UK Client
Breaking the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited Monopoly and Improving Telecom Infrastructure
Satellite connectivity in GECIS a game changer
Genesis of Newgen Software Technologies
Times of India- Indian Business Losses Opportunity
TI Earth Station in Bangalore: The First Dedicated Data Line in India
Learning from a technology failure - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Genesis of GECIS
Mastek's Quality Journey
Internship with Tata Electric Company
Satellite Television Program at ISRO
Indian IT Industry and the Ecosystem in the Mid 1980s
Policy Shifts and Computer Hardware in the Late 1980s
Software as a Service Trend
‘bridgital nation – Solving Technology’s People Problem’
Role of Dewang Mehta in NASSCOM