Times of India- Technology Question
TVS Electronics' strategy in the early 1990s
Unix makes an Entry into India and DCM Days
Dataquest- The 16 bit Best Seller
The story of Indian Angel Network
Mini Computers Based on Intel Microprocessors from Wipro – Among the First in the World
Important Trade Journals, Books, and Conferences in the Late 1970s
R&D GICs and Innovations from Pune and Bangalore
Selling R&D Services
Discovering the Indian Software Industry
Dataquest- Wipro 80386 based Wondermini
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
The Computer Culture in India in the 1980s
Genesis of Datamatics
Technology Migration Projects in the Early 1970s
Joining Wipro and attending CSI Annual Convention
Dataquest- A Look at SEEPZ Companies
Dataquest- Computerization in State Bank of India
Experiences in UCLA and NCR Corporation