HCL Days
DCM Days
The Early Days of NASSCOM
Early days of HCL
The Early Days of HCL
Early Days of Wipro
Early Days of TCS
Early Days at Infosys
Early Days of Hinditron
Electronics policy in the mid 1980s
Genesis and Early Days of NASSCOM
Early Days of Mastek – Products
Early days and growth of GECIS
Days at the IIT Madras Computer Center
Indian IT Industry and the Ecosystem in the Mid 1980s
Tata Computer Centre in the Mid-1960s
Early days of Genpact and its listing in NYSE
Early Days of Wipro in the Computer Business
Early Days of Computer Science Education in India
Computer Culture in IIM Calcutta in the Mid 1970s
N S Raghavan- Infosys in the Mid 1980s
Unix makes an Entry into India and DCM Days
Challenges in recruitment in the early days of BPM industry
Computing in IISc, ISI and TIFR in the Mid 1950s
Times of India- Independence Day to Mean Freedom with Internet
Times of India- Erring Motorists may get Police Card in 2 Days
Early Days of Texas Instruments (TI) GIC – The First R&D GIC Established in 1986
Internet Entrepreneurship in the Late 1990s
Srini Rajam- First Wi-Fi Enabled Café in India
Ittiam enables India’s First Wi-Fi Enabled Internet Café
Passenger Reservation System of the Indian Railways
Attracting talent to Spectramind
Computer Culture in IIT Delhi in the Early 1970s
Entry into telecom handset business
The UTI Dividend Warrants Computerization Episode
The First High Level Programming Course in IIT Kanpur and in India
Rise of Gurgaon
Business Management System Software Package from TCS
IIT Kanpur Computer Center
Import of IBM 3090 by TCS
Introducing Information System Planning in India
Interesting Projects in Patni Computer Systems
IT Industry in Hyderabad