Computer Center in IIM Ahmedabad
Direct datalink between Datamatics, India and AT&T Bell Labs, USA
About Mr. F. C. Kohli
The Prodac-50 Project and Encounter with Mr. Kohli
Role of iSPIRT
Times of India- PRAM 10000 Installed at IISc Soon
Times of India- RBI to Start Computer Service on Nov 12
Prof. Mahabala and the IBM 370 Come to IIT Madras
World-class Financial Reporting at Infosys
Working with Tata Companies in the 1970s
National Mission Mode IT Driven Programs - ERNET
Interesting Anecdotes with Narayana Murthy
Times of India- CM to Open Police Computer Wing
Dataquest- Computerization in State Bank of India
DCM Days
IT in Agriculture
TCS Projects in the Early 1970s
Times of India- Trapping Software Pirates