Computing in IISc, ISI and TIFR in the Mid 1950s
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 1
Subroto Bagchi- Circuit from the Ural Computer in ISI Calcutta
IISc Archives- Prof. R. Rajaraman Operating the Philbrick Rideout Electronic Differential Analyzer (PREDA)
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1950s
Genesis of Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project
TIFR archives- Computer Science and Technology in TIFR
Where do you see Indian IT in 2040?
NIIT's Entry into IT Services
Evolution of ERNET
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
Genesis of Indian Parallelism
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Setting up the IBM 1620 at IIT Kanpur in the 1960s
Prof. V Rajaraman - Strategy for Indigenous Design and Development
NASSCOM's Skill Development Programs
Computer Culture in IIT Kanpur in the Late 1960s and Early 1970s
Times of India- Export of Software
Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. and its Computers
Dewang Mehta Joins NASSCOM
TIFR archives- Proposal to Establish Computer Group in TIFR
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 2
Trajectories Followed by the IT Services and Hardware Industry
Times of India- C-DAC Experts Build a Supercomputer
Space Applications Centre and Satellite Networking
Wipro's Hardware and Services Business in the Late 1980s
Expanding the portfolio of TVS Electronics
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Dataquest- The 16 bit Best Seller
History of Computers at IIT Madras
Early Days of Wipro in the Computer Business
Software Products and Platforms - Majesco
Dataquest- Looking Back (ECIL)
Regulatory Environment for the Computer Industry in the 1980s
Business India - Chip of a New Block
Building an Ecosystem Around Wipro
Times of India- Expression Through Expansion