Origins of Offshore Testing Services
Convincing Clients to Offshore to India
Evolution of R&D Offshore Development Centers (ODCs) in India in the 1990s
Mastek's Quality Journey
Mindtree Emerges from the Dotcom Collapse
Early Client wins in Mindtree
Thermax Partnering with Oracle and Larry Ellison
Dataquest- Infosys Plans Expansion
Dataquest- Y2K India's Goldmine
STPI - Enabling GDM
The Early Days of NASSCOM
Introduction to Ecommerce and the Mindtree Idea
STPI Bangalore - Interesting Experiments
Y2K and Dotcom Era
STPI - Infrastructure and Training
Genesis of Infinity Venture Fund and Indian Angel Network
Saga of the difficult first project of Future Software - Part 1
Journey of the IT Industry from Late 1980s to 2000
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1990s
Times of India- Indian Tech Trio does a Billion-Dollar strut
Infosys Shifts to Bangalore
Role of MNCs in Nurturing the Indian IT Industry