Operations Management
GECIS sets up International Operations
The success of GECIS
Genesis of Amex card processing in India
Launching New Minicomputers
Joining TCS
IIT Kanpur and Computer Science in India
Early days and growth of GECIS
Modern Computers Come to India
Business Management System Software Package from TCS
The Experience of taking TCS Public
Computer Culture in MIT in the 1960s
Early Days of Wipro
Learning from History, and Moving Forward
Genesis of Infinity Venture Fund and Indian Angel Network
Working at IBM India in the 1960s and 1970s
TCS Projects in the Early 1970s
Tata Burroughs and Tata Unisys
DEC’s Proposal to Manufacture in India
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 1
Passenger Reservation System of the Indian Railways
Working with Tata Companies in the 1970s
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 2
Teaching at IIT Madras and some Early CS Students
Genesis of Mastek
Dataquest- Citibank to Setup Unit at SEEPZ
Times of India- Computerization in Commercial Banks yet to gather Momentum
Dataquest- Indian Railways to go Online