Public-private Partnership in e-Governance Projects
EDP in the Indian Private Sector
Importance of Digital India
TVS Electronics' strategy in the late 1990s
Evolution of the Indian IT Product Ecosystem in Late 2000s
Focus on Future of Work and SMAC
Ittiam enables India’s First Wi-Fi Enabled Internet Café
The story of
R&D GICs and Innovations from Pune and Bangalore
The Genesis of Ittiam in 2001 – Focus on Intellectual Property
Indian and Ittiam Intellectual Property in Popular Electronics Products
Srini Rajam- First Wi-Fi Enabled Café in India
Role of MNCs in Nurturing the Indian IT Industry
Dun & Bradstreet and Satyam Joint Venture
The Angel and VC ecosystem in India
Where do you see Indian IT and BPO in 2040?
Key strategies as CEO #2 -Focus on the top 2000 clients in TCS
3S (Simplify, Synergise and Scale) strategy as Chairman of Board of Tata Sons
Key strategies as CEO #4 - TCS iON story
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Infosys Sets up an Office in the USA
Challenges Faced by a Programmer in the 1980s
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040?
‘bridgital nation – Solving Technology’s People Problem’
The Context of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the 2000s
Indian IT Industry in Late 1970s
Hole in the Wall Project
Banking Platforms from Infosys
Early days of Genpact and its listing in NYSE
Where do you see Indian IT industry in 2040?
Genesis of Spectramind
Genesis of the National Supercomputing Mission
The Genesis of the IIITs
Evolution of e-Governance
Computer Training in Government Schools
Genesis of Genpact
IT Industry in Hyderabad
Dataquest- C-DOT's Antidote to Telecom Woes
Dataquest- 48 Vendors granted License for C-DOT Technology
Times of India- Expression Through Expansion
The success of GECIS