Evolution from Calculators to Microcomputers to Minicomputers
Joining an Indian PSU as a Computer Programmer in the 1970s
Challenges Faced by a Programmer in the 1980s
First Job as a Programmer in the Late 1970s
Prof. R. Narasimhan's Contribution
Prof. M G K Menon on Prof. R Narasimhan (Courtesy: Dr. S. Ramani)
The Computer Culture at IIT Madras - Bridging Industry and Academia
Working in DCM Data Products
HCL Days
Dataquest- C-DAC going Parallel with Technology
Times of India- Most Sophisticated Computer at TIFR
National Mission Mode IT Driven Programs - ERNET
Dataquest- Looking Back (ECIL)
Genesis of The National Centre for Software Development and Computing Techniques and National Centre for Software Technology
The Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project: Part 1
The Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project: Part 2
S. S. Oberoi- Software Export Development and Export Case Study - India
Times of India- DOE Clamps of ERNET Commercial Use
Times of India- Computer Project Underway TDC316
Genesis of Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project
N. S. Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning
A Sabbatical in Microsoft - Difference between Service and Product Organizations
Indian Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Program
Genesis of Microcomp
Early experiences with computers
Interesting projects at Shaw Wallace in the 70s
Genesis of HCL
Prof. Mahabala and the IBM 370 Come to IIT Madras
First computer from HCL
Tryst with computers in University of Michigan
Thesis at IIT Kanpur - Why is one computer better than another?
The Genesis of the Masters of Computer Applications (MCA) Program in India
Times of India- Big Possibility of Use of Electronics in Railways and Mining
ORG Computers in the Early 1980s
Experiences in UCLA and NCR Corporation
Early History of IT Adoption in India, Starting with the Jute Mills
Times of India- IBM World Trade Corp
Times of India- Burroughs to Export Printers
Faith in Computing
Software Exports in the 1980s
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Business India - IBM: New Blue
TIFR archives- TIFRAC the First Digital Computer Built in India
IIT Bombay Attempts to Design a Computer
Computer Science in IISc in the 1970s
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1950s
Work done by IIT Kanpur for ECIL
Computers at TIFR in the 1970s
Thoughts on Prof. R. Narasimhan
Prof. P V S Rao - CRT display of TIFRAC
TIFR archives- Computer Science and Technology in TIFR
Prof. Narasimhan and TIFRAC in TIFR – First Indigenous Computer Designed and Built in India
Prof. R. Narasimhan and Computing in TIFR in the 1960s and 1970s
Genesis of BharatNet: National Optical Fibre Network
Importance of Digital India
Prof. V Rajaraman - History of Computing in India
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?