Growth and sale of Spectramind
The story of Indian Angel Network
Process innovations: E mail replaces fax
Challenges in recruitment in the early days of BPM industry
Attracting talent to Spectramind
Satellite connectivity in GECIS a game changer
Relevance of domain training - How credit card processing came to GE India?
Local IT innovations power BPM
Role of datacom in the growth of BPM industry
Genesis of GECIS
Where do you see Indian IT in 2040?
Creating a marketplace differentiation for GE Caps from India
Moving high end business processing to India - how actuarial work came to GE India
The first project of Spectramind - Human Genome Project
Proving that voice-based processes can work from India
Indian BPM industry is born with the Amex center
What makes NASSCOM unique?
Genesis of Spectramind
Strategies of NASSCOM for the future
Genesis of Amex card processing in India
Genesis of Quattro
Selling GECIS internally within GE and first project win
Early days of Genpact and its listing in NYSE
Camaraderie in NASSCOM
The Role of Computer Society of India in Nurturing the Domestic IT Industry
HCL Days
The Early Days of HCL
Role of N. Vittal
Breaking the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited Monopoly and Improving Telecom Infrastructure
Launching New Minicomputers
Role of Multi Institutional Co-ordinated Project on Information Technology
Computing in IISc, ISI and TIFR in the Mid 1950s
Dataquest- The First Computer comes to India
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation