Prof. M G K Menon on Prof. R Narasimhan (Courtesy: Dr. S. Ramani)
Camaraderie in NASSCOM
Business India - NIIT: The Party Doesn’t End
The Indian IT Products in the 2000s
Times of India- Electronics Panel for Small TV
Dataquest- IBM vs India
Prof. R. Narasimhan's Contribution
Dataquest- The Formation of Electronics Commission
History of Computers at IIT Madras
Times of India- Bombay's Versatile Computer
Genesis of the Passenger Reservation System for the Indian Railways
Times of India- Small Entrepreneur to go for Electronics
Times of India- Software Park Launched
Times of India- Electronics Commission Dies a Silent Death
Times of India- New Electronics Plan to Evolve Soon
Dr. Homi J. Bhabha learns about the CDC 3600 Computer
Times of India- 10 Year Profile for Electronics Industry
Times of India- The Age of Electronics
Tata Burroughs Joint Venture and its Impact on TCS
History of the Department of Electronics
Times of India- Government Rejects 100% Equity Plea of IBM
Genesis of ADGES Project
Times of India- Big Possibility of Use of Electronics in Railways and Mining
Genesis of The National Centre for Software Development and Computing Techniques and National Centre for Software Technology
Times of India- Probe into Working of IBM
Times of India- Use Electronics to Raise Productivity