Role of datacom in the growth of BPM industry
TI Earth Station in Bangalore: The First Dedicated Data Line in India
Breaking the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited Monopoly and Improving Telecom Infrastructure
Dr. Lalit Kanodia - TCS Brochure: 3
Sun Microsystem Enters India
Regulatory Environment in the 1980s
The Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project: Part 2
Early Days of TCS
Dataquest- Mastek sets up Office in SEEPZ for Software Export
Study at IISc on the Usage of Computers in India in the 1970s
Times of India- Expression Through Expansion
Opening the Sun Microsystems Account, with a World Map
Getting the Unix code from AT&T to India
Evolution of R&D Offshore Development Centers (ODCs) in India in the 1990s
Focus on Quality, Corporate governance, Right-shoring, Learning & Development in the IT Services Industry
Dataquest- In comes UNIX. But how?
Direct datalink between Datamatics, India and AT&T Bell Labs, USA
Sometimes, Ignorance is Bliss
Business India - Huawei: The Big Cut
Dataquest- A Single OS for the World?
Dataquest- SEEPZ Export Up 56%
Times of India- Independence Day to Mean Freedom with Internet
Times of India- Moving Closer to UNIX
Times of India- Riding on the Highway
Times of India- Upgrade India Y2K Compliance NASSCOM
Unix comes to India
AT&T - an Early R&D Global In-house Center (GIC) in India
Dataquest- AT&T announces new Software for UNIX PC
Indian IT Services Industry Building Domain Expertise
R&D GICs and Innovations from Pune and Bangalore
Dataquest- Held up (Bank computerization) ?
STPI - Breaking the VSNL Monopoly
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040?
The success of GECIS
Dataquest- Hitech USA 86: A Report
Prof. V Rajaraman - History of Computing in India
Wipro's Hardware and Services Business in the Late 1980s
Dataquest- Oracle Opens India Liaison Office
The Role of Early R&D GICs like TI and AT&T
Dataquest- What TCS Standards and Technology?
Dataquest- A-B-C of X.25 Communication Protocol
TIFR archives- Computer Networking Proposal by TIFR Computer Group
Satellite connectivity in GECIS a game changer
The Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project: Part 3
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1990s
Dun & Bradstreet and Satyam Joint Venture
GE's BPO Idea
Times of India- NIC Minicomputer to be Ready
Prof. V Rajaraman - Prof. R Narasimhan's Meaningful National Goals in Computer Development, Production and Use
A Defining Project for IIS Infotech with an UK Client
Joining an Indian PSU as a Computer Programmer in the 1970s
TDC-12 and the Genesis of ECIL
Interesting Projects in IIT Madras
Becoming an Independent Consultant
The Role of Computer Society of India in Nurturing the Domestic IT Industry
TIFR archives- Computer Science and Technology in TIFR
Diju Raha- First Video Conference Link Established in India
Wipro's Foray into IT Services
Y2K Factory
Dataquest- Satellite use could boost Software Export
Working with IBM Research