‘bridgital nation – Solving Technology’s People Problem’
Learning from a technology failure - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Bangalore Co-opts People
NASSCOM's Journey, Org Structure and Key People
Dataquest- Moving to UNIX Networking?
Tata Burroughs Joint Venture and its Impact on TCS
CEO challenges - Managing scale, regulations, IP-led revenues
First Impression of Tata Consultancy Services
Dataquest- Technology Parks to become Operational
Contribution of others in the IT industry
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Electronics policy in the mid 1980s
Focus Areas of NASSCOM from 2013
First computer from HCL
Using Technology to Solve India's Problems
Experiences with the prestigious Resolution Trust Corporation project
Times of India- IIMB Goes Global via Internet
Aadhar – A large IT led Mission Mode National Program
IIT Kanpur's M. Tech. Program with CS Specialization and its Illustrious Students
Genesis of the National Supercomputing Mission
Genesis of NIIT University
Computerizing India and Hardware
Challenging Environment that NASSCOM Managed in the Late 2000s
Wipro's Focus on Project Management and Quality
Times of India- Infotech Industry now Rallies Around HR Standards
Mastek's Quality Journey
Times of India- Burroughs Ad