Prof. Rajaraman’s Seminal Text Books on Programming and Computers
Times of India- A Revolution is On
Times of India- The Electronics Revolution
Business India - Books on Net
Writing a Book on Software Engineering
Role of Government in the Data Communications Revolution
Times of India- Computerized Rail Booking for Delhi
Times of India- Computerized Rail Booking a Success
Important Trade Journals, Books, and Conferences in the Late 1970s
Times of India- CR Planning Computer Bookings for 9 Trains
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Supercomputing Initiatives in India
Writing to Dijkstra and Gries
Indian BPM industry is born with the Amex center
Early Days of Computer Science Education in India
The success of GECIS
INR 5.4 Lakh Laptop Breaks
Thoughts on Prof. V. Rajaraman
IT in Agriculture
Policy Development for Telecom Sector in 2010s
Modern Computers Come to India
Genesis of Genpact
Indian and Ittiam Intellectual Property in Popular Electronics Products
Role of Multi Institutional Co-ordinated Project on Information Technology
Origin story of Future Software