Datamatics and Wang Laboratories
Working with IBM Research
Datamatics 1990s and 2000s
IBM leaving India and its Impact
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040?
Dataquest- A Single OS for the World?
Dataquest- A Look at SEEPZ Companies
Times of India- The Electronics Revolution
Nortel Digital Network and the Story of the Digital Coolie
Computer Culture in IIM Calcutta in the Mid 1970s
How did Nortel Overcome the Challenges of Working with Indian Partners?
Computer Culture in IIT Kanpur in the 1960s
Introduction to Ecommerce and the Mindtree Idea
Teaching Computer Science for Five Decades
Direct datalink between Datamatics, India and AT&T Bell Labs, USA
Nortel's Handbook of Dos & Don'ts for Working in India
Times of India- NASSCOM 2001 was a Grand Success
AT&T - an Early R&D Global In-house Center (GIC) in India
Wipro's Hardware and Services Business in the Late 1980s
Dataquest- In comes UNIX. But how?
SEGA Project
Setting up the IBM 1620 at IIT Kanpur in the 1960s
Genesis of the Passenger Reservation System for the Indian Railways
Indian IT Industry in the 1970s
Joining Patni Computer Systems
Dataquest- TCS bags Top Exporter Shield
Challenges in Selling Indian Software Services
Learnability, Recruitment Policy and Development Centers
Prof. Priti Shankar - From the abstract to the concrete
TIFR archives- Note on Electronic Computers by Homi Bhabha
Dataquest- The 16 bit Best Seller
The Genesis of Ittiam in 2001 – Focus on Intellectual Property
Challenges of Selling Software in USA
Prof. M G K Menon on Prof. R Narasimhan (Courtesy: Dr. S. Ramani)
Times of India- Deception in Import of Computers
Programming in Late 1970s
Strand Genomics, India’s First Startup in Bioinformatics
Computer Culture in IIT Madras in the 1960s
Prof. V Rajaraman - My Reminiscences of SERC Formation
Computer Culture in IIM Ahmedabad in the Late 1960s
The Simputer Idea
TIFRAC- The First Digital Computer Designed and Built in India
Times of India- Software Unit Datamatics
The Education and Research Network (ERNET) Project: Part 1
Dataquest- DOE all Set to Adopt ISO Standards