Opening the Sun Microsystems Account, with a World Map
World Bank Study Predicts a 1 Billion Dollar Indian IT Industry
The 1992 World Bank Study on the Indian Software Industry
Pradeep Gupta- World Bank Funded Report on India's Software and Services Export Potential and Strategies
Dataquest- A Single OS for the World?
World-class Financial Reporting at Infosys
Times of India- IBM World Trade Corp
Times of India- VSNL Gets Ok for World Link Plan
Mini Computers Based on Intel Microprocessors from Wipro – Among the First in the World
Product business at Future Soft and building one of the world's largest protocol stacks company
N. Vittal's Contribution to the IT Industry
The First Nasscom-McKinsey Study
An Overview of Indian IT in the 1990s
Dataquest- The Government Solution
Times of India- US Downturn can Result in India's Upswing
NASSCOM - EU Collaboration
Times of India- CMC to Post 30-35% Growth
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040 ?
Genesis of
The Evolution of Hardware to Software Industry in India
Business India - The Unanswered Questions
Dataquest- IBM vs India
Dataquest- Program Copyright in India
IT Industry Recognizing the "Government Man"
Future of IT in India and the Role of IIITs
Beer Drinkers Association of Information Technology (BAIT)
Where do you see Indian IT Industry in 2040?
The dawn of liberalization in India
Business India - Chips Ahoy!
Discovering the Indian Software Industry
Newgen's Enterprise Products: Successes and Challenges
Times of India- IIMB Goes Global via Internet
Impact of policy on electronics industry in India
The Indian IT Market in the 1990s - Introduction of Laptops, Routers, and Browsers
Y2K and Dotcom in the Late 1990s
Times of India- VSNL Plans Internet Access for Bangalore
Learning from a technology failure - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Rise of Gurgaon
Genesis of Newgen Software Technologies
Mastek's Quality Journey
Selling GECIS internally within GE and first project win
Advice to other MNCs to Succeed in Outsourcing to India